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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

If you would like to listen to the sermon before reading this post click HERE

How would you like to have been among the disciples in Matthew 17:14-20?
They've just tried to heal a demon possessed boy but have been unsuccessful. When the disciples approach Jesus and ask Him why they could not cast out the demon Jesus says: “Because you have SO LITTLE FAITH.” He then explains if they even had faith the size of a mustard seed they would be able to move mountains. Not a great day for the disciples.
What would Jesus tell you about your faith?
This lack of faith becomes even more amazing when we realize where the disciples had been earlier in that chapter.
Jesus brought a few of the disciples up with Him on the mountain. While on the mountain Jesus begins to GLOW. His clothes become WHITE like light. Moses and Elijah appear. A voice from the cloud that envelopes them declares: “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him”.
Shouldn't these events have built faith? Wouldn't you think any one of these events could build a lifetime of faith? Instead, the disciples come down from the mountain and the next thing we hear is that they are trying to cast a demon out of a boy and failing because of their lack of faith.
I hope that we can remember all of the amazing things God has done. I hope we can look at God's creation and always see, with wonder, a God who is alive and have faith that He can move mountains in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. This goes with a thought that I heard recently, we do not have to have "great faith in God" we have to have "faith in a great God". . . Mustard seed sized faith is enough, as long as it is faith in a GREAT God!
