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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Let there be LIGHT!

Listen to today's lesson HERE

God said let there be light and there was LIGHT! God did not create a wimpy unsubstantial light. This week I've been impacted by the Sun which God spoke into existence. Apparently, the sun began shinning too powerfully on the mountains this week. The snow pack began melting at an alarming rate. Streams turned into raging rivers. Sunday night as I slept, unaware of what was happening, volunteers began placing sandbags in front of our home and the homes of our neighbors.
What were normally trickling steams became dangerous. It was said that if you fell into one of these streams you would most likely not be coming out. What caused all of this? The Sun!
When God says “let there be light”, He means it. When God says “Let there be light” I get out my sun screen and sun glasses.
That's why I am so blown away when I read 2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. NIV
If the Sun that God created is powerful then how powerful is HIS light? How powerful is the light of God that shines in our hearts? I'm convinced that we could not contain such a light. As Christians, the light of God should be reflecting off of us with great intensity.
I hope that as Christians we are exuding the light of Christ today.
Let There Be Light!


  1. This link will take you to the new site PODBEAN that will be hosting my audio links.

  2. Great message Bro! It's easy to forget that we are a light wherever we go. Sometimes we don't act like it. Guess thats where grace comes in when we fail. You are indeed a light in your world my friend!

  3. Enjoying the cast from Germany. Very good Mike, thanks for a great encouraging lesson.
